The Perfect Timing Vacation Tool

Yesterday this young doe laid down outside our back door. It was a balmy 45° and she was simultaneously warming herself and trying to catch 40 winks having just spend the last 4 days in a constant snow storm that left enough snow to put little white button tops on our outside heaters. I understood her completely. Honestly, I really don’t mind the snow, it is when it lingers that bothers me.

SnowButtonHeaterConstant snow over four days! I had spent the last few days with my head down and didn’t know we were getting this onslaught until we were headed home from our evening outing. Yay we missed the storm and got in another event. No problem. We’ll sleep tonight, wake in the morning and remove the two to three inches from the driveway. Simple! Then I listened to the weather report on the evening news (which I never do). Four days of snow!

Even though it was 10:30 at night we headed to the store where the snow vultures had already ravished the shelves. We bought enough to get us through the next few days and went to bed. In the morning we woke to a fresh blanket of snow and mild reprieve. Enough for me to clear the driveway for a guest (who unexpectedly would spend the next 2 nights with us) to pull in.

HawaiiCanyonMeanwhile, 5,000 miles away, my brother in law and wife are enjoying basking in the sun and surf of Hawaii. They send me a picture of one of their sight seeing side trips and then the sunset that must be normal for Hawaii this time of year. On top of that one of my former coworkers from Boston posts on Facebook how he’s roughing it at the Marriott in Hawaii while his friends back home are dealing with 100″ of snow. Cruel!

Now I’m not begrudging either party. Well maybe I am, but I want access to that Perfect HawaiiSunsetTime Vacation Tool that plans your vacation so that you miss those 7 days of snow on the 10 days your vacationing or a good share of the 100″ inches of the white stuff. They tell me that such a tool doesn’t exist but I don’t believe them. I’ve seen too many people getting away at the right time. It has to exist!

If you know about the tool then please let me know. Maybe I have used it and it will work for my March getaway. Most likely not, but I know my time is coming soon. It’s definitely time to get out of Dodge!

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